Nos vins ont été récompensés ce mois ci dans la grande dégustation de vin du Languedoc organisé par le Tasted Journal créé par 2 meilleurs sommeliers du monde, Markus del Monego et Andreas Larsson.
Tribu d’A blanc 2012 s’est particulièrement distingué en étant le 8ème meilleur vin blanc du Languedoc.
Ghislain explained that he had worked for LVMH in Geneva for eight years and had met Roberto as they market Bodega Terrazzas de los Andes, the estate that Robert created with Pierre Lurton. Hence the Argentine connection. And in 2003 Ghislain decided that the time was ripe to fulfil his ambition to turn wine maker, so he studied in Montpellier and worked vintages in the Pic St. Loup and Argentina, and then took the decision to settle in the Languedoc. And why the Languedoc? In his words; it is easier de se faire connaitre. Burgundy is inaccessible. He likes the culture, the Mediterranean climate, the diversity of grape varieties and the style of wine. Everything is much more open. His first vintage was 2008, made at the nearby AXA property, Domaine des Belles Eaux, as were the 2009 and 2010 vintages, as the new cellar was only completed this year. It is built in the middle of his vines, following ecological precepts, in a contemporary design. The wood is Douglas fir which resists heat and humidity. And the inside is the essence of simplicity with unlined concrete vats – Ghislain considers a resin lining to be a possible source of contamination. He wanted to able to do manual pigeage – it’s softer than remontages – and you need enough space above the vats.
Altogether he has nine hectares, in the neighbouring villages of Caux, Neffiès and Fontès, in one large block at the foot of the le volcan des Baumes – the soil is quite varied, with clay, basalt and gravel. He has Roussanne and Marsanne for white wine, and is planting Vermentino, with Syrah, Mourvèdre, Cinsaut and Carignan, but no Grenache for the red wines. The vineyards are undergoing conversion to organic viticulture and should be certified later this year.
We tasted his first vintages.
2008 Tribu d’A Blanc – 10.00€
A blend of Marsanne and Roussanne. The Marsanne is fermented and aged in barrique and the Roussanne in vat. Light colour, delicate white blossom on the nose. The freshness of the Roussanne and a touch of wood on the palate, but nicely integrated. Rounded with some fruit, hints of fennel and a slightly bitter finish. Nicely balanced, and satisfyingly intriguing. It is labelled Coteaux du Languedoc and Ghislain observed that the Comité des Vins du Languedoc is now considering keeping the appellation Coteaux du Languedoc. I had thought that it was set to disappear next year. On verra.
I asked about the name. Ghislain explained that Allegria is a project between two families and that it is a name of the south, for joy, la joie. They wanted to convey the sense of une aventure humaine.
2009 Cinsaut – Abuelo, Vin de Pays de Caux – 9.00€
They made just 1000 bottles of this. It has some lovely fresh cherry fruit, on both nose and palate. Classic Cinsaut, redolent of fruit, with a fine balance of tannin and acidity. Enormously appealing and beautifully fresh. No sulphur was used in the wine-making. Ghislain observed that the alcoholic fermentation produces sulphites naturally, and that for un vin naturethe maximum sulphur level is 10 gm/l.
2008 Tribu d’A – Allegria, Pézenas – 9.00€
70% Syrah and 30% Mourvèdre Good colour; quite firm and peppery on nose and palate. Some attractive fresh fruit, with cherries and pepper. Good structure and youthful, with a streak of oak. One third of the blend was aged in barrel, so the wine needs a little time. Good balance and potential.
2008 Carignan Vin de pays de Caux – 14.00€
Classic vinification, with the aim of a wine to age. Élevage in oak for all the cuvée, over two winters, in barrels of one fill. Bottled in March 2010.
Medium colour; closed nose. Quite firm and structured on the palate. Some underlying fruit, but I found the oak slightly flattened the fruit, whereas Ghislain was aiming to soften the underlying rusticity of the Carignan. Maybe the next vintage will include a percentage in vat.
The full range consists of two entry levels wines called Petits Bonheurs, a rosé from Cinsaut and Syrah, and a red from Syrah with a little Mourvèdre. Then there are the two Tribu d’A wines, and some experimental single vineyards, currently the Cinsaut and the Carignan. And finally there is Cousu Main, meaning hand made, a finely crafted Coteaux du Languedoc that only comes in a magnum or double magnum. Ghislain is very insistent that recevoir, giving visitors and clients a warm welcome, will be part of the philosophy of the estate. They are planning a restaurant, and also developing a two day programme whereby people can come and create their own blend. Ghislain has a keen sense of marketing, which can be rare in the Midi, and deserves to go far.
For more information, look on their website:
GUIDE HACHETTE 2011, p. 733
Oenotourisme : Un moment dans les vignes du domaine Allegria avec Ghislain d’Aboville
Pique nique au domaine Allegria
L’oenotourisme, c’est quoi ? La question revient de temps en temps. Ce mot interpelle encore et il faut l’expliquer. La tendance enfle. Tout est oenotourisme. On ne peut plus faire un magazine de vins sans le consacrer à l’oenotourisme !
Ce serait le nouvel eldorado des vignerons ! Pas si sûr ! En attendant, il est légitime que dans les vignobles, le terroir sublime l’univers du vin. Les initiatives se multiplient pour faire rencontrer le touriste et le vin, du banal caveau à la chambre d’hôte en passant par les balades vigneronnes etc… Tant mieux… promenons-nous dans les vignes !
J’ai eu cette chance en rendant une visite à Ghislain d’Aboville du domaine Allegria, situé entre le village de Neffies et celui de Caux. Les vignes bordent un volcan depuis fort longtemps endormi et peu le savent, non qu’il dorme mais bien qu’il y a eu ici plusieurs volcans jusqu’à la mer à Agde. Sur ses 9 ha de vignes, Ghislain a la chance de disposer de deux terrasses baignées de soleil et face à l’horizon de la vallée. La vue est superbe. Il a pour ambition de créer ici une cave qui est déjà en construction pour accueillir en plus des vins, une table d’hôte. Il aura certainement d’ici la mise en route de ce projet principale d’autres idées pour animer le lieu et attirer les touristes jusque sur son vignoble.Pézenas est tout proche !
Ghislain est de ces hommes qui foule la terre avec franchise et assurance. Il a cette modernité qui dérange en débarquant dans le pays mais qui ouvrira des portes aux autres vignerons. C’est certain, il fera des émules et des envieux.
Pour disposer d’un certain capital, il partage ses vignes avec plus de 20 associés, amis et relations, qui sont de véritables ambassadeurs des vins, dont certains installés à l’étranger l’aide à la commercialisation. Coup double ! Et si le haut de gamme de l’oenotourisme était de devenir propriétaire d’une vigne et de déguster son propre vin !!!