Privacy policy

General statement

We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting it. We believe that you should be able to easily find out what personal data we collect and use, and understand your rights in relation to that data.

This privacy policy explains our policies and practices regarding the manner in which we collect, use and disclose the personal data we collect on the website.

We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information about your personal data.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by calling (+33)6 25 93 08 08 or by e-mail at

Who is Domaine Allegria?

The terms ‘Domaine Allegria’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Domaine Allegria as a commercial brand of EARL D’ABOVILLE DE LA MOTA as the party responsible for processing your personal data, unless otherwise indicated in this Privacy Policy.

EARL D’ABOVILLE DE LA MOTA is a company with its registered office at LD FONTERECHE 34720 CAUX, registered under the number 50814472200016.

You can contact us by calling (+33)6 25 93 08 08 or by email at

What information is collected?

Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. It includes, for example, a person’s name, address and gender.

We may collect personal data directly from you (for example when you subscribe to our newsletter) or indirectly (for example from your electronic devices that interact with our website).

“Data supplied directly”

You can provide us with data:

When you subscribe to our newsletter
When you use our website
When you attend an event

Depending on what you provide, this information may include:

  • Your identity (including first name, last name, gender)
  • Your contact details (including email and telephone number)
  • The nature of your business
  • Other information you may provide by filling in forms or contacting us (including your comments or other communications with us).

We will inform you when your information is required to process your request, to respond to your enquiries or to provide you with our products and services. Failure to provide this information may delay or make impossible the processing of your request, the response to your queries and the provision of products or services.

We endeavour to ensure that the personal data we hold is accurate at all times. We therefore encourage you to update your data should any changes occur. We may also ask you to update your data from time to time.

We recommend that you only provide the data requested or necessary for your request, with the exception of sensitive data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, and data concerning health, sex life or sexual orientation.

We remind you that we do not provide our services or products directly to persons under the age of 18 and that we do not collect personal data from such persons. We therefore ask you not to provide us with any personal data from persons under the age of 18.

“Data provided indirectly”

We may collect data when you use our website, including your IP address or other browsing data (including browser, operating system, device model), through cookies or similar technologies placed on your device. Some cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our Digital Platforms and others are used for analysis purposes that help us provide you with more personalised services and a better digital experience. For more information on cookies and how to change your preferences, please read our Cookie Policy.

We may also collect data about you from third parties, such as a spouse who contacts us on your behalf or your friends who provide us with your contact details in order to invite you to events that may be of interest to you.

If you provide us with personal data about someone else, you must ensure that you have the right to disclose that data to us and that, without us taking any further steps as required by data protection law, we can collect, use and disclose that data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. For example, you must ensure that the data subject is aware of the various matters set out in this Privacy Policy. The individual must also give the consents set out in this Privacy Policy in relation to how we process their personal data.

What is the purpose and use of the personal data collected?

We collect and use your personal data on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • We have obtained your prior consent (for example when you subscribe to our newsletter). Please note that with this particular legal basis, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time (see below ‘What are your rights over your personal data?’).
  • The processing is necessary in the context of a contract between Domaine Allegria and you (for example when you purchase a service)
  • We have a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing and this legitimate interest is not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms (for example the prevention of payment fraud)
  • We need to process your personal data in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Depending on the context, we may use your personal data to:

  • Provide you with the products or services you have requested
  • Carry out checks to identify you and verify your identity
  • Send you marketing communications, with your prior consent (see ‘Marketing communications’ section)
  • Provide you with after-sales service
  • Respond to your questions, requests and suggestions
  • Manage events you have registered for and/or attended
  • Monitor and improve our website
  • Carry out statistical analyses
  • Improve our products and services
  • Provide information to regulatory bodies where required by law.

Marketing communications

With your prior express consent (generally obtained by ticking a particular box on a form), you may receive information concerning offers, services, products or events sent by Domaine Allegria.

In this case, you also agree to your details being shared with other Domaine Allegria partner companies for this purpose.

We rely on your consent to process the personal data you provide for this purpose. Therefore, if you no longer wish to receive such information, you may withdraw your consent at any time (see below ‘What are your rights regarding your personal data?’).

We may ask you to confirm or update your marketing preferences if you ask us to provide other products and/or services in the future, or if there are changes in law, regulation or our corporate structure.

How long will your data be kept?

Your personal data is processed for the period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, to comply with legal and regulatory obligations and for the duration of any period necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

In order to determine the most appropriate retention periods for your personal data, we have specifically taken into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of your personal data, the purposes for which we have collected your personal data, the service you deserve and expect from us and applicable legal requirements. For example:

  • With respect to our prospects (potential customers): your data is retained for three years from the last time you take action, and then deleted or archived to comply with legal retention requirements
  • With regard to our customers: your data is kept for the duration of our commercial relationship and up to ten years, then deleted or archived in order to comply with legal retention obligations.
  • With regard to cookies used on the website: they are stored for up to 13 months from the time they are installed on your device.

How is your personal data transferred or disclosed?

We may only disclose your personal data to the parties designated below and for the following reasons:

  • We disclose your personal data to employees of Domaine Allegria who need to have access to your personal data and who are authorised to process it for the aforementioned purposes and who undertake to respect its confidentiality.
  • We may disclose your personal data to Domaine Allegria’s partner companies in charge of customer relations, sales of services, communication, internal audit and IT management for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and to provide you with a uniform level of service consistent with Domaine Allegria’s values. This may include providing you with the products and services you have requested, improving the services provided and, with your consent, sending you marketing communications regarding offers, services, products or events (to this end, you may revoke your consent at any time. See ‘What are your rights regarding your personal data’ below). EARL D’ABOVILLE DE LA MOTA is based in France and therefore within the European Community. Consequently, personal data will never be transferred outside this area.
  • We may be required by the mandatory provisions of an applicable law or in the context of legal proceedings or other legal requests, to disclose your personal data to authorities or third parties.
  • We may also disclose or process your personal data in accordance with applicable law to defend our legitimate interests (for example in civil or criminal proceedings).
  • For example, we may disclose your personal data if necessary to identify, contact or take legal action against a natural or legal person who breaches our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use or who disturbs or harms other users of our Digital Platforms.

How is your personal data protected?

All your personal data is strictly confidential and will only be accessed on a need-to-know basis by duly authorised Domaine Allegria staff using appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

Domaine Allegria has implemented security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised access and use. We follow appropriate security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal data in order to prevent unauthorised access by third parties and to avoid accidental loss of your data. We restrict access to your personal data to those who have a genuine business need to access it. Persons accessing your data will be subject to a duty of confidentiality towards Domaine Allegria.

We have also put in place procedures to deal with any suspected breach of data security. We will notify you and any competent supervisory authority of any suspected data breach where we are required to do so by law.

We also require those to whom we transmit your personal data to comply with the above. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not totally secure. We cannot therefore guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to us via the Internet. Any such transmission is at your own risk and you acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for any unauthorised use, distribution, damage or destruction of your data, except to the extent that we are required by law to assume such liability. Once we have received your personal data, we will apply the security measures described above.

What are your rights regarding your personal data?

In accordance with applicable data protection law, you may at any time request access to, rectify, delete or port your personal data, or restrict or object to its processing. A summary of these rights is set out below:

  • Your right of access: the right to receive a copy of your personal data.
  • Your right to rectification: the right to ask us to rectify any errors in your data or to add to it.
  • Your right to be forgotten: the right to ask us to delete your personal data in certain situations.
  • Your right to restrict processing: the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example if you dispute the accuracy of the data.
  • Your right to data portability: the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to transmit this data to a third party, in certain situations.
  • Your right to object to processing. Either at any time during the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Or in certain other situations, to our further processing of your personal data, for example processing carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests.

You may at any time decide to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data. If your consent is withdrawn, this does not prevent us from processing your personal data on other legal grounds, where applicable, such as fulfilling your orders and storing your order data in accordance with applicable law.

If you no longer wish to receive our advertising or promotional information, we remind you that you may revoke your consent to direct marketing at any time directly from the unsubscribe link included in each advertising email we send you. If you do so, we will promptly update our databases and take all reasonable steps to respond to your request as quickly as possible, but we may continue to contact you to the extent necessary in connection with any product or service you have requested.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority in the event of an alleged breach of the data protection rules applicable to you.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us either by telephone on (+33)6 25 93 08 08 or by email at

Please note that if you exercise any of the above rights, you will be asked to let us know which right you wish to exercise and to provide us with certain information (such as a copy of an identity card, passport or other legally recognised form of identification) for identification purposes in order to process your request and protect you against fraudulent requests from third parties.

This Privacy Policy reflects our current practices and may be amended and updated from time to time. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will change the ‘Effective Date’ at the top of this Privacy Policy to indicate when such changes became effective.

If we change this Privacy Policy in a material way, we will notify you by means of a notice of change at the beginning of this Privacy Policy and on the home page of the Domaine Allegria website.

Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file saved on your computer, tablet or mobile phone that enables us to record and track data about your use of the website. Domaine Allegria uses cookies to identify you or information about your browser. Cookies are managed by your internet browser.

By continuing to use the website, you accept our cookie settings and acknowledge that you understand the terms of our cookie policy.

You can change your preferences at any time by going to the ‘Manage your cookie preferences’ section.

What cookies are used?

When you visit our site, we may place four types of cookie on your terminal:

  1. Operating cookies
  2. Audience measurement cookies
  3. Social network cookies (linked to sharing)

The purposes of each of these types of cookie are described below.

Functional cookies

We may use operational cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our website and use its functions. These may be session cookies or cookies with a limited lifetime.

Session cookies remain on your terminal for the duration of your Internet browsing session and disappear as soon as you leave the website. They enable us to remember your browsing choices on our website and thus avoid having to ask you for certain information again.

Time-limited cookies remain on your terminal until they expire or until you delete them via your browser. These cookies enable us to recognise your terminal the next time you visit and help us to collect information about your use of our website.

If you delete these cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website will function properly.

Audience measurement cookies

Audience measurement cookies enable us to monitor the performance of our Site, to determine visitor volumes and to compile statistics on the use of the various elements. Overall, they enable us to improve the attractiveness and usability of our services. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics, excluding any individual information.

Our website uses Google Analytics as an audience measurement solution. The anonymous data generated by Google Analytics cookies may include your IP address and relate exclusively to your use of our website.

For further information on the cookies used by Google Analytics, please consult the following links:

Social Media Cookies (related to sharing)

Social media cookies allow you to share content from our website with third parties or to express your opinion on content from our website.

On our website, certain sharing buttons are integrated via third-party applications that may set social media cookies. This is notably the case for the “Share” or “Like” buttons from Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

The social network that issues these cookies may be able to track your browsing on our website through these cookies. If you do not want the social network to link your browsing information on our site to your user account, you should log out of the social network before continuing to browse our site.

We encourage you to review the privacy policies of each social network to understand the purposes, particularly advertising purposes, for which they may collect your browsing information. These privacy policies should enable you to exercise your choices with these social networks, especially by configuring your user accounts on each of these networks.

To view the privacy policy of the social networks listed below, click on the link associated with the social network of your choice:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

You can also refuse the placement of these social media cookies by appropriately setting your browser as indicated below in “Manage your cookie preferences.”

Manage your cookie preferences

You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet, or mobile device through your browser settings.

We recommend not disabling the cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of the site (cookies marked as “mandatory” in the “Which cookies do we use?” table) as this would prevent you from ordering online and benefiting from the services of the website

To manage cookies according to your preferences, we invite you to configure your browser settings considering the purpose of the cookies.

Below are the instructions for managing and disabling cookies, depending on the browser:


  • Click on the Tools button, then on Internet Options
  • Click on Privacy, then click on Advanced
  • In the Cookies window, select your preferences.

Google Chrome

  • Click on the Menu button, then Settings
  • Click on the link Show advanced settings
  • In the Privacy section, click on the Content settings button
  • Then in the Cookies section, select your preferences.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Click on the Menu button, then select Options/Preferences
  • Select Privacy
  • In the History section, for the Retention rules option, select use custom settings for history
  • Check or uncheck the Accept cookies box, then select your preferences.


  • Click on the Safari menu, then on Preferences
  • Click on the Security tab
  • In the Block cookies section, select your preferences.

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